It's way too long. For example, your section titled Evolution is 'only a theory' or a 'belief' or even 'requires faith'. is 817 words long. At one time it's length would have been ok but nowadays everyone has a short attention span. For example, your "Evolution is 'only a theory'" section could be condensed into this:
A theory is a scientific explanation. It is called a theory regardless of whether it's proven or disproven. For example: Einstein's "theory of relativity" was proven over a hundred years ago but it's still referred to as a theory. Therefore the saying "it's only a theory" is meaningless since a theory can be called a theory long after it's been proven. The same applies to evolution.
That's 66 words or 8 percent of the original. It may not include every detail or nuance that you want to get across but in in the real world it stands a better chance of being read.
If you were to condense every section in a similar manner you may not have too much of a book - more like a booklet - but it would be more readable.